NPC0013E - Participant does not have the permission to send this message
NPC1029E - Cannot be greater than the current date for field
NPC1030E - NPR Requests currently being blocked for Participant ID
NPC0001E - Internal error: Could not connect to database. Please report the problem to TGA Help Desk
NPC0002E - User id not found. Please retry with valid user id
NPC0003E - Invalid password. Please retry with the correct password
NPC0006E - Database Exception in processing message. Please report the problem to TGA Help Desk
NPC0007E - Exception in marshalling message. Please check your input
NPC0008E - Unexpected Exception. Please contact TGA Help Desk
NPC0012E - Duplicate message: Message ignored.
NPC1001E - Message Code is invalid for Service Type. Note: Message Codes/Service Type are case sensitive
NPC1002E - Field should not be provided for message code
NPC1003E - Participant ID is not a valid Participant ID
NPC1004E - Is a required field for message code
NPC1005E - Invalid value for field
NPC1006E - Port ID not known to NPC system
NPC1009E - Route information is not found for. Please contact TGA Help Desk
NPC1011E - Some/all numbers in - do not belong to donor
NPC1012E - Invalid Region Code
NPC1013E - Value for at least one of the following fields is required : OldNRIC, NewNRIC, PassportNum, ArmedForcesID
NPC1014E - Value of Field changed from
NPC1015E - Given Number From and Number To not found in database.
NPC1016E - List of Ported Numbers does not match the database values. Missing Number
NPC1017E - Originator must be the Donor
NPC1018E - Originator must be Recipient
NPC1019E - Port in progress for some/all numbers in
NPC1020E - Data/Fax number(s) used are in conflict with
NPC1021E - Duplicated exists in the list
NPC1022E - Some/all numbers in do not belong to recipient.
NPC1023E - Some/all numbers in deactivated already
NPC1025E - A maximum of numbers may be entered for Service Type MOBILE-INDIV
NPC1026E - A maximum of numbers may be entered for Service Type MOBILE-CORP
NPC1027E - Numbers not ported
NPC1028E - A maximum of reject code may be entered for each MSISDN.